Monday, April 30, 2007

These are my things. I leave a big bottle of vitamin C by the computer so I remember to take it. Sometimes I take like three in a day (they taste good), which sounds bad, but it is vitamin C, so I am not very worried. I mean, has anyone ever died of a vitamin C overdose? No. And that means either I will have plenty of vitamin C, or I will make history by being the first person to die of a vitamin C overdose. Basically, I am guaranteed greatness.

It isn't like potassium which can make you sick if you eat to many bananas. By the way, bananas are full of potassium.

In other news, potassium is an anagram of It a possum.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


This is a picture of some crayons and two computers, and other stuff, with an illustration of mentioned items that I did all by my lonesome.

You may say, "James, you're not much of an artist." And I'd say, hey, thanks for commenting on my blog. Then I would add that you need to give me a break, for I used the crayons pictured to draw the crayons, and when I needed to draw -- for example -- the green crayon, I need to use the green crayon. But there's only one, so I have to draw it from memory.

I could explain it, or you could think about it.


See, I use the crayon I need to draw the crayon I need to draw, so, basically, never mind.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Jesus is Christ

I took this photo with my phone in Westwood Village. It was on an electrical box. I really like the composition. Evangelicals can be annoying & relentless but sometimes even they make something beautiful.

If you're reading my blog, thanks Jesus! *

*AKA Christ