Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I Found This Bird On Top Of A Trashcan

So this image got me thinking. Keep up if you can, because you are tailing the BMW fast-as-fuck-think.

This image looks like the cover of the book Lullaby by Chuck Palahnuik. Speaking of books, I once saw someone reading one, and someone talking to the aforementioned. They spoke as follows:
Other. Hey, listen to me
Reader. No.
Other (Flustered.) Hey, in the end of that book, Cherry dies.
Reader. Fuck!
The other day, a friend told me that he is reading a book about a father and son who are heading south in a post-apocalyptic world, and they have a gun with two bullets. I guessed the ending, but didn't share it, as he asked me not to. I can tell you guys the ending: They both shoot themselves with the gun. Freakin' retarded.

Don't worry, he doesn't read this blog, so I didn't ruin it for him. Very few people do read it.

Well, I guess you read it, so that makes one.