Sunday, March 18, 2007

Coke Part II

Here is a funny thought I had.

You know that Coca-Cola promotion where you look under the cap and have a one in six chance of winning a free coke? Well, you might just assume that no matter how many times you don't win a free coke, your odds of winning remain the same.

If you do, you'd be wrong, because as you buy the No-Win cokes, you diminish the supply of losing caps, thereby increasing the percentage of remaining bottles with winning caps, thus increasing your chance of winning.

If it'd alright with everybody, I'd like to take just a moment to say hello to the two remaining readers who at all understand what the f' I'm going on about. Here, I'll tell some jokes so everyone knows it is still good ol' J-Town James leading this expedition into the Information Super-High': Guy walks into a restuarant with a duck under his arm. The bartender says, "Oh shit, we've already fucked this joke up." The duck then goes quack. Hey!

I like ducks.

1 comment:

The Greek said...

Jamez, I am going to steel your duck joke.