Saturday, March 3, 2007
The Triumph Of Virtue And Nobility Over Ignorance
This is called The Triumph of Virtue And Nobility Over Ignorance, and it's at the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena. It's pretty much awesome.
The two babes on the top are Virtue and Nobility, and they've been wrestling with Ignorance in the sky for like forever, and they kick her down. And look! Ignorance has a baby or something. And they're kicking its ass, too! It's like a f'ing Maddox article! Anyway, don't get too sad, it's an evil baby who personifies Ignorance.*
There are some other things there, at the N' Simon. They have some Hindu art, and a bunch of Degas shit, mostly statues of ballerinas. For the most part, Triumph is where it's at.
*This is a little joke. Thanks for rollin'.
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The baby is kicking Ignorance's ass. That's Napoleon and Ignorance is the Aristocracy. See the symbols. This protends the end of the Aristocracy in Europe.
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