Sunday, April 15, 2007


This is a picture of some crayons and two computers, and other stuff, with an illustration of mentioned items that I did all by my lonesome.

You may say, "James, you're not much of an artist." And I'd say, hey, thanks for commenting on my blog. Then I would add that you need to give me a break, for I used the crayons pictured to draw the crayons, and when I needed to draw -- for example -- the green crayon, I need to use the green crayon. But there's only one, so I have to draw it from memory.

I could explain it, or you could think about it.


See, I use the crayon I need to draw the crayon I need to draw, so, basically, never mind.


Anonymous said...

I was looking forward to reading a blog about joe-jack the seal. Hehe. this one will do as well, cuz it made me smile.

edi.ben said...

die sprache ist "turkisch" ich bin aus der turkei, aus istanbul