Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ellis Island

Back in the day, which was elementary school day, the teachers set up this mock Ellis Island. You'd make a character and stuff, and maybe you'd get citizenship. Maybe not. It was up in the air. That's where the excitement dwelled. Feeling excited? It's dwellin' right here. You are face to face with excitement!

Anyway, I decided to be a doctor who cured ADDS, which I thought was hilarious when I was a kid. Get it? It's like AIDS, but not. I did a lot of black comedy back then. Not so much any more. Here's a stab at it: Something awful happens... baby stabbing. That was awful. I am no good at black humor. I am bad. Maybe, bad as a baby stabbing?! No. That's still terrible. And bad taste. Definately.

Right. The teacher didn't think that ADDS was that funny. She wrote on my paper, "AIDS didn't come around for another hundred years," and, "You misspelled AIDS."

I got an F.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol, That is so clever for a kid in elementary school.
