Monday, March 19, 2007

Elvis 'n' Escher

I'm listening to Elvis on K-Earth, 101. Have you seen that video of him where he's in his "Later Years" and he looks a mess, and he's singing some Jesus tune and he's crying like a baby? Then you have lucked out. You know how it is to see people cry on film. You can't even comfort them! Pretty much not possible. It's like a freakin' Escher!

Have you seen that Escher with four lengths of stairs all going down, but the first one connects to the last one, making the illusion of an infinetely descending staircase? It is a rendezvous with Johnny Whatthefuck, king of Tripsville! Seriously, you'd be transversing steps for like a week before you got to the bottom or figured something out. Fuck that. I'd rather not be in an Escher litho'. Too many fucking lizards and geese and shit.

Elvis is king. Of Tripsville!!

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